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Showing posts from September, 2022


BAD MOUTHING WORDS:  "LET US PREY".  THE REWORDING OF COMMONLY USED DESCRIPTIONS OF PERSON'S CHARACTER  IS A TYPE OF  PREDATORY BEHAVIOR WHERE NO AMOUNT OF DILIGENT, ETHICAL, AND HONEST ACTIONS CAN EVER REFLECT BENEFICIALLY ON THE PERSON DESCRIBED BY BAD MOUTHING. There are many ways to interpret the phrase"Bad Mouthing Words":  It could be an adjectival phrase, modifying the noun "word" to indicate that the words would be negative and pejorative.   The phrase could be used as a verb declaring that there would be statements made which would "Bad Mouth" the targeted person. The phrase could be a call to arms against a victim where the creation of false and defamatory statements would overwhelm everything legitimately known about the victim. The tone of every statement made against the victim of Bad Mouthing would be dismissive of the victim and connotate  Postscript from Facebook: This is just the beginning of the Exploration of a Concept whic...